Five years ago Black Ops Paintball began a partnership with CPX Events. Each year the game has grown almost in an exponential way. We experienced things like bad weather or the air compressors the Black Ops had not being able to withstand the amount of air needed by players. This year was the goal we have been trying to reach of 1,000 players. The original CPX field in Chicago was the only other field to reach this type of growth in 5 years. The staff at Black Ops was doing everything it could to make sure the field, air, camping and proshop were in tip top shape and the only other thing we needed to cooperate was the weather.
Players began to show up as early as Thursday to start camping and preparing for Bones and Ashes. Friday was the day everyone else started to show up. Dodgeball has proven to be the best way to start the event and is also pretty friggin awesome. If your team wants to be able to choose which side of the field you start on as well as gain some extra points you have to be at the “night game.” In this starting event teams must search through some of the 300 acres Black Ops owns for glowing items and the team with the most gets the win!
Saturday was GAME ON! All day you heard paintballs flying through the air with all hands pulling triggers. During the day concessions sold over 600 hamburgers by 2pm. When the paintballs settled Saturday night it was time for a party. The Black Ops Paintball crew turned up the music, served up some of the famous Chicago shaved beef sandwiches, and prepared the field for the American Gladiators Game(CPX Style). While some players were fighting to be the Gladiator champion other players were competing in some Mad Frog Beer Pong.
Sunday is always the bittersweet day. It’s the day the game is over but it’s also the day we learn what team comes out as this years Bones and Ashes champion. Chuck Garza of the Headhunters for the red side took home another Win as a Black Ops Paintball sponsored team. After we found out who won the AIM Athletic Foundation had the biggest raffle it has ever had yet raising thousands of dollars for some awesome prizes donated by our vendors at the event.
Shoutout to Inception Designs, Melloveo, Social Paintball, Handmade Headbands from the Timberghost, On The Go Surplus, and 13 Legionnaires
Make sure you attend the Dreaded Legends Event in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina for another legendary Legends event with CPX Events