Quick Details
- 3-Day Mega Event
- Raffle Prizes by Tippmann, Elite Force & Black Ops Airsoft
- Free Camping On Site
Official Sponsors: Tippmann / Elite Force / Enola Gaye/MOS Manufacture
Early Bird
$ 40
$ 50
Day Of
$ 70
The Federation(Tan): General-Justin Elvis
The MADF(Green): General-Paul (Popeye) Floyd
The Goal of this TACSOP is to provide current and future participants with a collection of rules. Black Ops reserves the right to change any of these rules and communicate them to our participants prior to or during the event to ensure the high quality and safety of our event is maintained.
Standing ROE Card
Treat all event participants with respect and dignity. Our events are designed around providing you
with a fun experience.Blank fire is ABSOLUTELY not authorized.
Use of commercially produced smoke grenades, TAG’s grenades, and flash grenades are authorized for participant use based on fire safety conditions at the venue on the day of the event. Any other munitions MUST be pre-approved.
Always observe and recover any pyro you throw. Make sure you are throwing on a non-flammable surface, if a brush fire does start you are the first one responsible for pulling a safety flag, stomping it out and dousing the source and waiting at least ten minutes to check for smoldering embers. All brush fires will be reported to Ohana PB/Black Ops Team. Remember if you need more than 9 people to smother a brush fire call a cease fire and withdraw to a safe distance.
Participants are not authorized to bring or use any kind of pyrotechnics not classified as 1.4C for gaming use. Examples of authorized brands are Enola Gaye and TLSFX.
Homemade pyrotechnics are not allowed.
If a CEASE FIRE is called, Echo the command and deploy your dead rag.
Eye Protection must be worn at all times. NO exceptions! Eye protection will have an ANSI Z87+ or higher rating. Blind man if eye pro is lost. This may lead to a cease fire in the area.
Uniform Requirements/Guidelines
Approved camouflage Patterns:
● TAN TEAM(The Federation): Tan based camos included, Tan, MC, Chocolate Chip, Desert etc. Absolutely No Black!
●GREEN TEAM(The MADF): Green based camos included, Woodland, OD, Green, etc.Absolutely No Black!
Black will be for 3rd Faction only (if there is one) Solid Black only.Kit, plate carrier, belts and pouches can any color.
Helmets/Head Coverings must match uniform colors
Refs reserve the right to mark you with armbands if uniforms colors are questionable for your factionNo Red of any kind.
All uniforms must consist of matching tops and bottoms in the approved camouflage for your faction. Cargo style shorts and/or t-shirts can be worn but must meet matching uniform rules for your faction.NON-Negotiables
1. Whenever in doubt about how to act or behave in any situation not specifically mentioned within this TACSOP, always use your best judgment to keep within the spirit of the event.
2. Don’t “meta game” the event, go with the flow and enjoy the experience.
3. Disrespect of the staff or other participants will not be tolerated! Participants found cheating or disrespecting the staff or other participants will be ejected from the event without a refund.
4. Participants who attempt to steal, cause bodily harm, or break any other laws will be handed over to the local law enforcement officials.Age Restrictions
We allow participants as young as 10 at our events. All participants under the age of 18 must have their waiver signed by their parents. Additionally, participants age 10-15 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian that is registered to play at our events as well.Alcohol And Drugs
Black Ops events are alcohol and drug free. We know it’s fun to party, but we have minors and firearms present. Regardless of any state laws regarding drug use, all narcotic and hallucinogenic drugs are banned.Eye Pro
Eye protection must be worn at all times. No Exceptions! Black Ops will not be responsible for injuries caused by participants who remove their eye pro off during the event.Eye protection must meet ANSI Z87.1-1989 standards and must fully cover your eye sockets from all angles of impact, FULLY SEALED!
Black Ops will inspect all eye pro at check-in for adherence to this standard. If your eye pro is “on the border” of this standard, then we will err on the side of caution and disapprove of them. Ensure you have a backup pair that you know will 100% pass inspection.Participants under the age of 18 must wear at a minimum a face mesh mask along with eye pro. No Exceptions!
Hearing protection is advised, you could be subjected to noises in excess of 120dbs at any time during the event.
Rifleman: 1.5 J No MED on Semi Midcap only for Rifleman/SMG
Support/LMG: 1.8 J 50’ MED (Drum or box mag only)
DMR: 2.0 J 75’ MED Semi only
Sniper: 2.5 J 100’ MED Bolt action onlyYou must Chrono with .32 BB’s. They will be provided at Chrono so bring an empty mag with you.
●Absolutely NO Binary Triggers!Hand Grenades
Hand Grenades for Black Ops events are restricted to TAGs Hand Grenades, TLSFX, or Enola Gaye grenades that create fragments when they detonate. Inert replica grenades (like those made of rubber) are not permitted.
Thunder B’s or other flash bang simulators are considered flashbangs only as they do not have projectiles.
When throwing a hand grenade, yell “FRAG OUT” so participants can keep a lookout for incoming grenades.Hand grenades have a “kill” radius of 15’ from where the grenade detonates. Everyone within 15’ of the point of impact not protected by hard cover is “wounded”. If a grenade detonates in a room, hallway, or rooftop, everyone in that room, hallway, or rooftop is considered hit and “wounded”.
If you are using one of these types of grenades, you must arm it according to manufacturer’s instructions and then toss it. If the grenade fails to detonate. it is considered a “dud” and has no effect on opposing participants.
Players are responsible for pyro after throwing, monitor for potential fire.
Players behind no cover when a hand grenade goes off and are within the kill radius are considered “wounded” and must follow “healing” procedures.
Participants behind soft cover (bushes, shrubs, grass, and small trees) are “wounded” and must follow “healing” procedures.
Participants behind solid cover (rocks, hills, bunkers, vehicles, and trees much larger than their body) with the cover between them and the hand grenade detonation place are considered alive.
If a hand grenade is thrown, hits an object, bounces back, lands and detonates near the thrower, they along with everyone in the 15’ radius are “hit”.
You may kick a grenade out of the way before it detonates. Do NOT pick it up and try to throw it back.
You may not dive on the grenade to save your buddies.
Rockets & 40mm Grenades
Acceptable rockets are the TAGIN rounds, Chalk or pyro detonating. Indirect fire or vehicle only Any other munitions must be pre-approved by the staff.Rockets must be fired from RPG, LAW, and AT4 type replicas.
Homemade rocket launchers are NOT ALLOWED!
3D printed rounds will be allowed. However, they must be inspected by production prior to the close of chrono each morning. All rounds that are going to be used must be presented for inspection at the TOC table. Any round that is not signed off on by the TOC, will NOT be permitted for use during the event.
If any individual is caught using or carrying a non-approved round they will be dismissed from the event.40mm Grenades:
Acceptable 40mm grenades are TAGs 40mm grenades, pyro, chalk, or any 40mm airsoft BB shower grenade.40mm grenades may be fired from M79, M203, GP30, MGL, Pocket Cannon Launcher, and M320 type grenade launchers.
General rules for both Rockets and 40mm Grenades:
Rockets and 40mm grenades must be lobbed and should never be fired straight at participants or other targets.
Rockets and 40mm grenades have a “kill” radius of 20’ from the point of impact. If detonated in a room or hallway, every participant in that room or hallway is considered hit and “wounded”.
Participants behind no cover or soft cover (bushes, shrubs, grass, and small trees) are “wounded” and must follow healing procedures.
Participants behind solid cover (rocks, hills, bunkers, vehicles, and trees much larger than their body) with the cover between them and the point of impact of the rocket are considered alive.
Vehicles may be taken out by rockets or 40mm grenades (excluding BB showers) only. Chalk rounds work the same as pyro rounds on vehicles. It takes 2 hits to destroy/kill a vehicle.
Hits And Calling Your Hits
EVERYONE MUST HAVE AND CARRY A RED DEAD RAG! No Red gear or clothing allowed.HITS:
All BB hits to any part of your body and/or gear/equipment secured to your person count as a hit. Weapon hits do not count.Blind fire is not authorized and strictly prohibited at Black Ops.
Friendly fire counts! Check your targets!
If two participants fire simultaneously and both are hit, BOTH participants are out.
Airsoft is a hobby of integrity. Call your own hits!The first time you are hit, fall to the ground and call for a medic to administer first aid. The medic player must use the provided first aid kit. The Medic carries event-provided water bottles, player must drink water to be healed, medic collects used water bottles and turns them in to receive a re-stock. This prevents trash and ensures the medic is locked into “medic duty” with the player while the water is drunk, once the water bottle is drunk you may continue as a live player. If you are hit a second time, you must display your red dead rag, call yourself dead and return to your spawn in order to be a live player again.
When you are hit immediately fall to the ground and simulate being shot for real – the louder the better. Often it is difficult to hear participants over the noise of firing AEG’s and/or through brush even at short distances, so do your best to let opposing participants know you have been hit, otherwise they
may continue to inadvertently fire at you. BE AS LOUD AS YOU CAN! If you are in a doorway please move out of the direct path to reduce the chance of being stepped on. -
Camping is FREE for any undeveloped spots(no power/water) These spaces are first come first serve!Developed Camping
1)These spaces are by reservation only and we do not guarantee any will be available for day of purchase.
2) For water only spots Click HERE
3)For Power and Water spots Click HERE
4) If you just want to take a nice hot shower click HERE These shower passes are for the whole weekend and only valid for the purchaser
The Goal of this TACSOP is to provide current and future participants with a collection of rules. Black Ops reserves the right to change any of these rules and communicate them to our participants prior to or during the event to ensure the high quality and safety of our event is maintained.
Standing ROE Card
Treat all event participants with respect and dignity. Our events are designed around providing you
with a fun experience.Blank fire is ABSOLUTELY not authorized.
Use of commercially produced smoke grenades, TAG’s grenades, and flash grenades are authorized for participant use based on fire safety conditions at the venue on the day of the event. Any other munitions MUST be pre-approved.
Always observe and recover any pyro you throw. Make sure you are throwing on a non-flammable surface, if a brush fire does start you are the first one responsible for pulling a safety flag, stomping it out and dousing the source and waiting at least ten minutes to check for smoldering embers. All brush fires will be reported to Ohana PB/Black Ops Team. Remember if you need more than 9 people to smother a brush fire call a cease fire and withdraw to a safe distance.
Participants are not authorized to bring or use any kind of pyrotechnics not classified as 1.4C for gaming use. Examples of authorized brands are Enola Gaye and TLSFX.
Homemade pyrotechnics are not allowed.
If a CEASE FIRE is called, Echo the command and deploy your dead rag.
Eye Protection must be worn at all times. NO exceptions! Eye protection will have an ANSI Z87+ or higher rating. Blind man if eye pro is lost. This may lead to a cease fire in the area.
Uniform Requirements/Guidelines
Approved camouflage Patterns:● TAN TEAM(The Federation): Tan based camos included, Tan, MC, Chocolate Chip, Desert etc. Absolutely No Black!
●GREEN TEAM(The MADF): Green based camos included, Woodland, OD, Green, etc.
Absolutely No Black!
- Black will be for 3rd Faction only (if there is one) Solid Black only.
- Kit, plate carrier, belts and pouches can any color.
- Helmets/Head Coverings must match uniform colors
- Refs reserve the right to mark you with armbands if uniforms colors are questionable for your faction
No Red of any kind.
All uniforms must consist of matching tops and bottoms in the approved camouflage for your faction. Cargo style shorts and/or t-shirts can be worn but must meet matching uniform rules for your faction.
1. Whenever in doubt about how to act or behave in any situation not specifically mentioned within this TACSOP, always use your best judgment to keep within the spirit of the event.
2. Don’t “meta game” the event, go with the flow and enjoy the experience.
3. Disrespect of the staff or other participants will not be tolerated! Participants found cheating or disrespecting the staff or other participants will be ejected from the event without a refund.
4. Participants who attempt to steal, cause bodily harm, or break any other laws will be handed over to the local law enforcement officials.Age Restrictions
We allow participants as young as 10 at our events. All participants under the age of 18 must have their waiver signed by their parents. Additionally, participants age 10-15 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian that is registered to play at our events as well.Alcohol And Drugs
Black Ops events are alcohol and drug free. We know it’s fun to party, but we have minors and firearms present. Regardless of any state laws regarding drug use, all narcotic and hallucinogenic drugs are banned.Eye Pro
Eye protection must be worn at all times. No Exceptions! Black Ops will not be responsible for injuries caused by participants who remove their eye pro off during the event.Eye protection must meet ANSI Z87.1-1989 standards and must fully cover your eye sockets from all angles of impact, FULLY SEALED!
Black Ops will inspect all eye pro at check-in for adherence to this standard. If your eye pro is “on the border” of this standard, then we will err on the side of caution and disapprove of them. Ensure you have a backup pair that you know will 100% pass inspection.
Participants under the age of 18 must wear at a minimum a face mesh mask along with eye pro. No Exceptions!
Hearing protection is advised, you could be subjected to noises in excess of 120dbs at any time during the event.
Rifleman: 1.5 J No MED on Semi Midcap only for Rifleman/SMGSupport/LMG: 1.8 J 50’ MED (Drum or box mag only)
DMR: 2.0 J 75’ MED Semi only
Sniper: 2.5 J 100’ MED Bolt action only
You must Chrono with .32 BB’s. They will be provided at Chrono so bring an empty mag with you.
Absolutely No Binary Triggers
Hand Grenades
Hand Grenades for Black Ops events are restricted to TAGs Hand Grenades, TLSFX, or Enola Gaye grenades that create fragments when they detonate. Inert replica grenades (like those made of rubber) are not permitted.Thunder B’s or other flash bang simulators are considered flashbangs only as they do not have projectiles.
When throwing a hand grenade, yell “FRAG OUT” so participants can keep a lookout for incoming grenades.
Hand grenades have a “kill” radius of 15’ from where the grenade detonates. Everyone within 15’ of the point of impact not protected by hard cover is “wounded”. If a grenade detonates in a room, hallway, or rooftop, everyone in that room, hallway, or rooftop is considered hit and “wounded”.
If you are using one of these types of grenades, you must arm it according to manufacturer’s instructions and then toss it. If the grenade fails to detonate. it is considered a “dud” and has no effect on opposing participants.
Players are responsible for pyro after throwing, monitor for potential fire.
Players behind no cover when a hand grenade goes off and are within the kill radius are considered “wounded” and must follow “healing” procedures.
Participants behind soft cover (bushes, shrubs, grass, and small trees) are “wounded” and must follow “healing” procedures.
Participants behind solid cover (rocks, hills, bunkers, vehicles, and trees much larger than their body) with the cover between them and the hand grenade detonation place are considered alive.
If a hand grenade is thrown, hits an object, bounces back, lands and detonates near the thrower, they along with everyone in the 15’ radius are “hit”.
You may kick a grenade out of the way before it detonates. Do NOT pick it up and try to throw it back.
You may not dive on the grenade to save your buddies.
Rockets & 40mm Grenades
Acceptable rockets are the TAGIN rounds, Chalk or pyro detonating. Indirect fire or vehicle only Any other munitions must be pre-approved by the staff.Rockets must be fired from RPG, LAW, and AT4 type replicas.
Homemade rocket launchers are NOT ALLOWED!
3D printed rounds will be allowed. However, they must be inspected by production prior to the close of chrono each morning. All rounds that are going to be used must be presented for inspection at the TOC table. Any round that is not signed off on by the TOC, will NOT be permitted for use during the event.
If any individual is caught using or carrying a non-approved round they will be dismissed from the event.
40mm Grenades:
Acceptable 40mm grenades are TAGs 40mm grenades, pyro, chalk, or any 40mm airsoft BB shower grenade.40mm grenades may be fired from M79, M203, GP30, MGL, Pocket Cannon Launcher, and M320 type grenade launchers.
General rules for both Rockets and 40mm Grenades:
Rockets and 40mm grenades must be lobbed and should never be fired straight at participants or other targets.Rockets and 40mm grenades have a “kill” radius of 20’ from the point of impact. If detonated in a room or hallway, every participant in that room or hallway is considered hit and “wounded”.
Participants behind no cover or soft cover (bushes, shrubs, grass, and small trees) are “wounded” and must follow healing procedures.
Participants behind solid cover (rocks, hills, bunkers, vehicles, and trees much larger than their body) with the cover between them and the point of impact of the rocket are considered alive.
Vehicles may be taken out by rockets or 40mm grenades (excluding BB showers) only. Chalk rounds work the same as pyro rounds on vehicles. It takes 2 hits to destroy/kill a vehicle.
Hits And Calling Your Hits
EVERYONE MUST HAVE AND CARRY A RED DEAD RAG! No Red gear or clothing allowed.HITS:
All BB hits to any part of your body and/or gear/equipment secured to your person count as a hit. Weapon hits do not count.Blind fire is not authorized and strictly prohibited at Black Ops.
Friendly fire counts! Check your targets!
If two participants fire simultaneously and both are hit, BOTH participants are out.
Airsoft is a hobby of integrity. Call your own hits!The first time you are hit, fall to the ground and call for a medic to administer first aid. The medic player must use the provided first aid kit. The Medic carries event-provided water bottles, player must drink water to be healed, medic collects used water bottles and turns them in to receive a re-stock. This prevents trash and ensures the medic is locked into “medic duty” with the player while the water is drunk, once the water bottle is drunk you may continue as a live player. If you are hit a second time, you must display your red dead rag, call yourself dead and return to your spawn in order to be a live player again.
When you are hit immediately fall to the ground and simulate being shot for real – the louder the better. Often it is difficult to hear participants over the noise of firing AEG’s and/or through brush even at short distances, so do your best to let opposing participants know you have been hit, otherwise they
may continue to inadvertently fire at you. BE AS LOUD AS YOU CAN! If you are in a doorway please move out of the direct path to reduce the chance of being stepped on.Vehicle Rules
Vehicle Rules
It is important to remember that Milsim airsoft is a tribute to the infantryman. Vehicles should never dominate a game – they should only enhance it.
Ground Vehicles o Must be a faithful representation of an actual military vehicle or technical (no Hobo tanks or walking tanks).
o Must be approved by the Head Ref prior to taking the field
o 5 mph limit on all roads, must be in first gear on
o Lights must be on for night/low-light maneuvers and brake lights must be operational. Must have a working horn.
o All drivers must be 18 years of age, and all drivers must also possess a valid driver’s license
o Vehicles must have proof of liability insurance (PLUPs are acceptable but require proof) sent to staff along with vehicle photos for inspection
o All vehicles must have a vehicle Admin provided by the tank crew that will ground-guide the vehicle when backing up (even under fire) and supervise the loading and unloading passengers (even under fire) and elimination
All vehicles must have a fire extinguisher
o All vehicles with a cab entry higher than 4 feet off the ground will require the vehicle driver and co-pilot to wear hard head protection (a helmet) as they will enter and exit the vehicle without assistance.
o All vehicles must be equipped with a 2ft X 2 ft red flag on a pole or antenna designate a hit. You must also have a faction-marking flag to show what side you are on
o All tanks have 30 minutes of fuel. Inserts for tanks are at the top or bottom of the hour.If a tank that is on the field returns to insert before the next insert window opens it may insert more than once per hour. Any tank crew who do not follow the rules may be given a
time-out penalty, removed for the day and/or the event based on the infraction.o Types of vehicles are allowed: Typically a HUMVEE or modified Jeep, pickup or ATV ( station-wagons) 1 mounted gun allowed (must stay mounted) Vehicle must have a 3 man crew: Driver, co-pilot and Gunner (exceptions made for photographers and staff) Crew cannot dismount the vehicle to capture objectives Only the Gunner and co-pilot can fire their weapons.
o Vehicle-Mounted Weapons: A replica weapon typically mounted on a vehicle to provide a portable source of fully automatic firepower. Includes the M240, MK 19, M2, M Minigun, M60, RPK, Minimi, etc…. 1.86 joules .32 gram BB 50ft MED Full auto allowed Box mags allowed All regulators will be zip tied and sealed with tamper tape.
The use of TAGIN 40mm rounds is authorized. Hand-tossed flash/smoke grenades only Nerf/Vortex Rockets must be fired from a launcher and are only used for anti-arm purposes, requiring a direct hit. 40mm TAG rounds that explode are lethal to vehicles if they detonate within 10 feet, hand grenades must detonate within 10 ft of the vehicle in order to kill.
Two hits with a rocket in 5 minutes will eliminate the Vehicle. 1st hit immobilizes the Vehicle but it still can shoot, 2nd hit will eliminate the Vehicle. If the Vehicle is not hit a 2nd time within 5 minutes after being hit the first time it can continue
o BBs cannot kill a vehicle. You are allowed to shoot the mounted gunner only. BBs will not eliminate the driver or co-pilot.
o Staff vehicles are used for game mechanics and cannot be killed. “DO NOT SHOOT BBS OR ANY OTHER ORDNANCE AT STAFF VEHICLES”
o LIVE vehicles can transport “Dead” players back to their CCPs (ENCOURAGED TO DO SO)